Let's get to it.
You really get into this, don't you?
- I love it to death.
- I can tell.
here we come.
- What do we do first?
- Is this a quiz?
You whole
life's a quiz.
Tell me the first
order of business.
Program the nav systems,
enter the laser codes...
punch in target
and Doppler coordinates...
initialize weapon systems,
and optimize F.L.I.R. sensors.
Good. Let's see if the
damn thing will start.
It has a roll rate
of 150 degrees per second...
so if you need to duck,
dive, or disappear...
this buggy will do it before
your brain can think it up.
We could crash this aircraft
at 20 G's and survive...
but I am not
gonna prove it to you.
The missiles
can take out a door at 5 miles.
In air-to-air combat,
your best weapon is agility...
and this gunship is agile,
mobile, and hostile.
How's the ride?
You usually hide in a hole
and cause things to blow up...
but now you'll
move like a thief...
keep your nose down...
then come out of nowhere
and blow your enemy to pieces.
- Sound like fun?
- Yeah.