You've pushed me...
harder than you've
pushed anybody else.
You think I'm pushing you
because I want you out?
If I wanted you out,
you'd be gone.
I'm pushing you...
because I think you
could be one of the best.
Give her that
bottle, will you?
You fly conventional
helicopters beautifully.
Your instincts are so good, you
remind me of me 20 years ago.
But the Apache is not
a conventional helicopter...
and instinct
means diddley.
The most complicated equipment
on that aircraft is your brain.
There's nothing wrong...
with my brain.
My eyes are
screwing up.
I'm not gonna quit on this.
It's everything I worked for.
I need you
to help me out.
You get one more
shot at the bag.
Fail, you're out.
Pass, you're in.
We don't make any exceptions
in this outfit, ever.
You're not gonna
help me, are you?
That's real big
of you, Little.
You want to
tell me about it?
Nothing to tell.
You've been up
3 times tonight.
There's a kid
in the mission...
one of the pilots:
Jake Preston.
- You mean old 2-by-4?
- Give me a break.
- The whole base knows about it.
- So what?
He's just a
damn good pilot.
- What's the problem?
- He's got an eye dominance thing.
He failed the bag.
You beat it.
So can he.
- If he doesn't, you wash him out.
- You're tough.