You two are booked on the first
flight to Portland tomorrow.
Locate Crisp's wife
and offer her immunity
in exchange for
her testimony against him.
No offense to O'Hallahan...
but this is my case,
and I work alone.
He works alone.
Not anymore.
She's going in undercover
as a substitute
kindergarten teacher.
Not exactly a job for you.
I used to be a teacher.
We'll be fine.
What do I do?
She locates the kid...
you find the mother
and the cash...
and Crisp spends his life
making license plates.
Bon voyage.
Oh, and, Kimble,
the name's O'Hara.
OK. Here's the wife at 17.
Real name's Rachel Myatt.
She's from Hannibal, Missouri,
class of '76.
Cheerleader, first violin
in the school orchestra...
captain of the girls'
softball team.
Her ambition was "To travel...
experience life...
and meet interesting people."
Like Crisp.
Don't let him get to you.
That's her 10 years later.
It's a great shot of an ear.
You get in touch
with her parents?
They're both dead.
The only relative
she's got left is the kid.
Okay. This is the only picture
we have of him.
Cullen Jr., aged 3 months.
That helps much.
It's the best I could do.
Breakfast, sir? Ma'am?
No. No, no.
That's a first.
Listen, I was
just thinking.
Maybe we should
take a wild stab
at getting to know each other
before we have to pretend
we're married.
What do you want to know?
How long have we been married?
A long time.
People won't expect us
to talk much to each other.