(wolf whistle)
- You see anything strange?
- Just the usual weirdness.
The deal's goin' down, man.
- Keep an eye out for me, huh?
- Right, Hatcher.
- Are you sure it's cool?
- lt's very cool. Relax.
- Good. Then let's go.
- Bueno.
And the next time, you're gonna
introduce me to Salazar, aren't you?
Yes, l promise. You got it.
No traigo dinero. No tengo dinero.
No tengo dinero. No traigo.
Bien. Bien, primo.
Here we are, gentlemen. Right on time.
You see, l told you.
This guy, he's been a good customer.
- Did you bring the green?
- Of course. l got it right here.
- Then what are you here for?
- To do business.
lf you don't like that, then l'll take off.
Calmate. Calmate, primo.
You know somethin'?
l do business for a long time.
You know why? Cos l'm careful.
You can never be too careful, right?
Careful is good with me, amigo.
Careful never killed nobody.
- ls that right?
- Stupid.
Stupid kills. :Me entiendes?
OK, gringo. l think we can do business.