I never saw anybody
treat a bagel this way.
Where were you raised?
Believe it or not,
my parents owned a kosher bakery.
They made me crazy, of course.
The night that I ran away
I stood in the kitchen
cigarette in one hand,
ham sandwich in another.
Why were you running away?
I had my high school diploma,
my first pay check. Why stay?
Hi. 'Bye.
Wait a minute.
'Bye, Mom.
Where'd you meet your husband?
In a writing class. He liked my poems.
So we moved into a one-room apartment.
It was a dump, but standing
on a chair you could see Lake Michigan.
It must have been tough when he left,
raising a kid on your own.
I coped.
Who was Kate's father?
Are you always this nosy?
Small-twon boy.
I like to know other people's business.
Do you mind?
No. When I mind, you'll know.
It'll be obvious.
So who was he?
I never caught his name.
He was in St. Louis for a swim meet.
He had Olympic aspirations.
You were on the same team?
No, I was the maid in his hotel.
One night...
I delivered more than his towels.
You're a hell of a woman.
I know.
It's been a memorable breakfast.
I'm glad you like it.
I didn't say I liked it.
But I'll never forget it.
I'm sorry. No offense.
None taken.
What do you want to do?
We've got all day.