Are you always this nosy?
Small-twon boy.
I like to know other people's business.
Do you mind?
No. When I mind, you'll know.
It'll be obvious.
So who was he?
I never caught his name.
He was in St. Louis for a swim meet.
He had Olympic aspirations.
You were on the same team?
No, I was the maid in his hotel.
One night...
I delivered more than his towels.
You're a hell of a woman.
I know.
It's been a memorable breakfast.
I'm glad you like it.
I didn't say I liked it.
But I'll never forget it.
I'm sorry. No offense.
None taken.
What do you want to do?
We've got all day.
You want to go out?
Do you want to go out?
Not really. No.
Do you want to go out?
I'm fine.
Tell me about the nuns in the convent.
Do they wear underwear in the shower?
I don't believe I said that.
I'm always too embarrassed
to take a shower after gym.
Mary O'Brien dances naked, screaming
about her boyfriend's quivering loins.
Shut up, Charlotte. Shut up.
The boat's down there.
Please, God,
let him throw me on the ground
and make another Joey, Junior.