Nasty dream?
Everybody has those.
You'll have them for a while.
l'm Julie Marsden, director of the
rehab unit. l'm here to admit you.
Excuse me?
Which part is confusing you?
l'm in rehab?
Yes, Dr. Feldman and your mother
had you transferred...
...from the emergency room last night.
l'm in a rehab?
You don't remember
having your stomach pumped?
Oh. That's what--
My mother knows?
She was here while
you were unconscious last night.
Oh, God.
Why did they pump my stomach?
You would have died if they hadn't.
Why can't l remember anything?
You were probably in a blackout.
And you don't remember
taking any drugs?
Oh, well, sure.
Some, but not, l mean....