...from the emergency room last night.
l'm in a rehab?
You don't remember
having your stomach pumped?
Oh. That's what--
My mother knows?
She was here while
you were unconscious last night.
Oh, God.
Why did they pump my stomach?
You would have died if they hadn't.
Why can't l remember anything?
You were probably in a blackout.
And you don't remember
taking any drugs?
Oh, well, sure.
Some, but not, l mean....
How did l get to the emergency room?
A man dropped you off unconscious.
l'm not a detective.
l'm here to admit you
and, God willing, help you.
l'd like to ask a few questions.
A guy dropped me off?
Did you try to take your life?
-Oh, please!
-l'm sorry if the question offends you.
But having to have your stomach pumped
indicates fairly suicidal behaviour.
Well, the behaviour might be,
but l'm certainly not.
l want you to know
that l know you're scared.
And that this is
the place to handle it.
l don't really understand
how l almost died. That's not--
That's never what l wanted to do.