So do you want blood or urine?
l think urine would be fine.
Do you have a cup or something
that l can put it in?
Don't worry about that.
We'll have the nurse come by
and pick that up later.
lt's great to have this little chat.
We're gonna leave you.
Do what you have to do.
We'll see you outside, okay?
Okay, great. Go, go, go.
Have fun.
-Who do these belong to?
-They're Frank's.
-Frankie, l got your shirt.
-Watch your back!
Good morning.
Hi there. You're just the cop
l'm looking for.
We're ready for a lineup.
Are we gonna get a rehearsal
by any chance?
You got this film confused
with a big-budget film.
The lower the budget, the fewer
the rehearsals, the worse the food.
Hello, darling! Great day for it.
You look glorious. Big kiss.
Stick your arms
through the holes please.
-Good morning.
-Hi. Suzanne.
Robert Munch.
Quiet, please! We're gonna
do a block for camera.
There's a lot of dialogue,
so we need total cooperation.
Also, keep in mind there are
live snakes in this shot...
...so we need you to be very careful.