Hi there. You're just the cop
l'm looking for.
We're ready for a lineup.
Are we gonna get a rehearsal
by any chance?
You got this film confused
with a big-budget film.
The lower the budget, the fewer
the rehearsals, the worse the food.
Hello, darling! Great day for it.
You look glorious. Big kiss.
Stick your arms
through the holes please.
-Good morning.
-Hi. Suzanne.
Robert Munch.
Quiet, please! We're gonna
do a block for camera.
There's a lot of dialogue,
so we need total cooperation.
Also, keep in mind there are
live snakes in this shot...
...so we need you to be very careful.
Come in.
Your mom's here.
How was your day, dear?
They made me do a drug test.
l knew it.
l knew you shouldn't do this picture.
Yeah, because it's a bad film, not
because they'd make me do a drug test.
l don't analyse the way you do.
lt just felt wrong to me.
l had a dream that it wasn't right.
You don't believe my dreams,
even the one about your kidney stone.
-l'd really like a Percodan.
-l had a dream the other night.
-l had a dream that l was drowning.
-Two Percodan. Make that three.
-A sequined gown dragging me down.
-What does that mean?
l don't want to alarm you,
but l do want to prepare you.
l didn't tell you this before
because of the drug clinic thing.
Remember my hysterectomy?
-The one last year?
-Right. Well, they found tumours.
-Fibroid tumours.
But isn't that normal?