And you will extend him
your full cooperation.
So you're cutting off my dick
and shoving it up my ass.
The feds are calling the shots on this.
My hands are tied!
- Yeah?
- Captain Pilgrim, Peter Keyes.
- It's good to meet you.
- And you, sir.
Lieutenant Mike Harrigan.
Special Agent Peter Keyes, DEA.
Heard a lot about you.
I'm sorry for this jurisdictional intrusion.
Don't mean to be stepping on your toes.
But we want to prevent King Willie's voodoo
gangs from taking over the entire West Coast.
I wish I could tell you more.
But we have a large number
of deep-cover operatives involved.
You know how it is. We all have a job to do.
Now, I'm sure we can respect
each other's situation and act responsibly.
...um, cooperation...
...is my middle name.
I'll see you around.
- I'm the new transfer, Jerry Lambert.
- Like I said, have a seat. I'll be right with you.
- Who is this dude?
- Yeah, what an asshole.
All right, Danny boy, what we got?
What have we got? Five lowlife Scorpions
make it into the building.
The next minute... they're all shish kebab.
Not one bullet wound.
It wasn't drugs or money.
There's a shitload of that.
Maybe King Willie brought in some
outside talent. He's making his big move.
A pro would have split
the moment he heard us.
More than one, we would have seen them.
Whoever did this
waited until the last minute...
...and then took out four men
armed with machine guns by hand!
And then got by us.
Maybe we should give him a job.
Let's put him on the payroll.