No, what? What were you gonna say?
Well, I really put my foot in my mouth this time
but, I don't know, I like you two.
I like the two of you and when I like
two people, I want to help them out.
That's just my nature.
I want to help out people that I like.
Just this morning
I came upon a seven-year-old.
Smart as a tack, a little rambunctious
but weren't we all at that age?
I think I even have a photo here for you.
He does look presentable in that bow tie.
I don't know. Seven is rather old. I wanted
people to think I had the baby myself.
That's understandable. A lot of women
feel that way. You want a cute little infant.
One that will scream
in the middle of the night
and you'll have to stumble downstairs
in the dark and change his soiled diapers.
You'll do your housework, eat chocolates,
take care of the kid
and you'll put on 50 or 60 pounds.
No diapers?
You like to sleep late.
There'd be no baby waking you up.
We could skip all that baby junk
and move right into the good stuff like...
...parties and more parties!
I could be president of the PTA by September!
- Fuzzball will have someone to play with.
- Yes! Fuzzball's our cat.
I can't believe it! Junior, he loves cats.
Do you hear that? Let's do it.
Mr Peabody, you've got yourself a deal.
And you've got yourself a kid.
Here he comes. Flo, that's our son.
Can you believe it? That's our boy.
He's very handsome.
I'll be the envy of the neighbourhood.
They look like a couple of yahoos.