What a nice surprise!
We heard about your little accident and
we thought this fruitcake might cheer you up.
Thank you!
I would like you to meet my son Junior.
- Pleased to meet you, ladies.
- Oh, my!
He's a perfect little gentleman. Isn't he, Lucy?
He's so big.
Yesterday they didn't even have a kid
and now they have a seven-year-old.
That's gross.
- I don't want him at my party.
- Lucy.
But, Mother, he dresses like the man
that cremated Uncle Leo.
Lucy's turning six this week
but I don't think we'll have a clown this year.
Or balloons. Or ice cream.
I'm having a birthday party Saturday.
I think it would be nice if you came.
We'll see you Saturday at two.
Come on, Lucy, get in the car.
- Thanks. I'll return the lovely platter.
- Thanks again.
We have finally been accepted.
This parent crap is really paying off.
It's a dream come true. A birthday party.
Now we're going camping with our son.
Not me. I'm going to buy a dress
for the party. Give me some money.
- You're not going camping with us?
- Not on your life.
Junior! This gives me an idea.
I don't see why my son
shouldn't be getting his own allowance.
- What do you say?
- All right!
This is gonna give you a good opportunity
to learn to manage money.
How do you manage a buck?
Come on, Mr Molasses, let's go. We're late.
Neat! Bears!