We'll see you Saturday at two.
Come on, Lucy, get in the car.
- Thanks. I'll return the lovely platter.
- Thanks again.
We have finally been accepted.
This parent crap is really paying off.
It's a dream come true. A birthday party.
Now we're going camping with our son.
Not me. I'm going to buy a dress
for the party. Give me some money.
- You're not going camping with us?
- Not on your life.
Junior! This gives me an idea.
I don't see why my son
shouldn't be getting his own allowance.
- What do you say?
- All right!
This is gonna give you a good opportunity
to learn to manage money.
How do you manage a buck?
Come on, Mr Molasses, let's go. We're late.
Neat! Bears!
Don't worry, buddy,
bears rarely attack unless provoked.
Let's keep our eyes peeled for camp site 32.
That's the one Roy reserved especially for us.
Nice spot your friend reserved
especially for us, Mr Healy
- This is nature, huh? The sky, the trees?
- The toilets.
You're not gonna see the sunset over there.
Come on over, watch on our river-bank.
I'd tell him to shove it, Mr Healy.
It's no big deal. More important,
why don't you call me Dad? I'd really like that.
I want to go home and watch TV.
TV? What's TV compared to the...
...to the call of the wild bobolink,
and that spruce?
That's a pretty big bobolink.
Old MacDonald had a farm
E- i-e-i-o...
Hey, Little Ben.