Strike one.
If that kid wasn't adopted,
I'd swear he was your real son.
You weren't on the team
the last time we beat you.
The guy I'm staying with is the coach.
You mean that big dork
who buys everyone ice cream.
He is not a dork!
Watch the pitcher, not the catcher,
buddy, come on!
My new car! Oh, my God!
Shake it off. Tighten up that grip, all right?
Meet the ball. Hold onto the bat, OK?
- Come on, boy!
- Good idea.
Yeah, hold on to the bat.
Son of dork, son of dork!
Son of dork!
Oh, no.
Drop the bat, son!
That's no good!
You can't do that.
Drop the bat, Junior! Are you nuts?
Come on, I got something for you!
Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown!