a sleazy country, you know?
A place you just can't trust.
Like your school, for example.
How come it wins
all of these awards...
and yet students
are dropping out like flies?
Why is that?
Now, my listeners are curious
about your participation...
in the decision
to expel Cheryl Biggs.
I'm not aware
of anything like that.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
Well, that's not true, sir.
"Cheryl refuses to
accept suggestions...
"of a more positive
mental attitude...
"towards her health
and her future.
"I find no alternative
but to suggest suspension."
Who is this?
How did you get this number?
Do you admit it, sir?
Admit what?
That you're slime.
Now, wait just a minute.
You interview a student,
and then you rat on her.
You betrayed her trust.
lsn't that right, sir?
Well, as you can see,
these guys are played out.
Society is mutating
so rapidly...
that anyone over the age
of twenty really has no idea.
All right.
Back down to business.
"I share a room
with my older brother.
"Nearly every night
after he turns off his light...
"he comes over to my bed...
"and gives me
a few arm noogies and stuff.
"And then he makes me
scratch his back...
"and other refinements."
Well, it's about time we had
some refinements on this show.
"Then sooner or later,
he gets worked up...
"and without further ado...
"he rubs his thing
and makes me watch."
Signed yourself "Screwed Up."
Well, first of all,
you're not screwed up.
You're an unscrewed-up reaction
to a screwed-up situation.
Feeling screwed up
in a screwed-up place...
in a screwed-up time does not
mean that you are screwed up.
lf you catch my drift.
Now, as you know,
dear listeners...
if you enclose your number...