Do we look like criminals?
Do we look like people that are
capable of committing a crime?
I only know what I saw.
When my wife gets here, she'll call the cops.
We'll let them decide. Face the window.
Okay, but it's still our apartment.
We'll have to have you arrested.
Oh, Jesus.
Grimm, our plane takes off in 41 minutes.
Quiet. No codes.
Hey, honey. Ready to celebrate?
- Oh, my God.
- They were taking the TV when I came in.
I was touching it. Kill me.
- Turn around.
- Oh, great, Hal.
For once, it was gonna be fun.
We were gonna eat on the floor,
drink champagne, listen to old records.
Why are you blaming me?
We haven't even moved the bed in,
and already it's the same.
Give credit where it's due,
Mrs. Edison.
Hal made the commitment, didn't he?
He gave up the rent-controlled place.
- Do you know him?
- He's paying 1500 for a one-bedroom.
Fifteen hundred? Try 2600.
You... You weren't paying 1500,
were you?
- We were paying 1260.
- Twelve sixty?
Excuse me, I don't know you very well,
but you're crazy if you gave this place up.
Maybe we are crazy.
We bought a farmhouse, near Woodstock.
It's rustic, kind of a fixer.
But the payments are 300 a month.
We just had to try.
I suppose you don't believe that either,
Edison! That people would go and do that!
For your information, I was at Woodstock.
I don't judge you, Hal.
Really, I don't.
But from Woodstock
to Charles Bronson in 20 years?
Good one.
Grab it.
Oh, damn it.