You're being good now?
I'm not.
I don't even know you...
And I never talk to strangers.
Are you always good?
Yeah, pretty much.
I try to be.
Did you ever try not to be?
I don't think anybody
would recognize me.
I don't think people
would really like it if...
if I wasn't being...
the person that they think I am.
So you're protecting everyone
from this other side you have.
Must be a pretty
dangerous side.
You been hiding yourself
for a long time?
As long as I can remember.
I bet it would be real nice
to let the real you out.
I don't even know
if I know how to do that.
Do you?
My, my, my Aunt Jemimah!
Sweet, sweet...
This is delightful.
Oh, my god,
you are truly gifted!
What is that you're doing?
That's good!
That's very good.
This is very pleasurable!
Ina gadda davida!