You been hiding yourself
for a long time?
As long as I can remember.
I bet it would be real nice
to let the real you out.
I don't even know
if I know how to do that.
Do you?
My, my, my Aunt Jemimah!
Sweet, sweet...
This is delightful.
Oh, my god,
you are truly gifted!
What is that you're doing?
That's good!
That's very good.
This is very pleasurable!
Ina gadda davida!
Are you a jogger?
I can't take any more.
God! Whoa, whoa!
Just take me...
This is so...
I can't take it anymore.
Yes, I can. I can.
Just give it to me.
OK, just...
Oh, god, rock and roll!
Is this all the mail
from yesterday?
Yes. I believe that'll be it.
I'll take care of it.
Hi, Don.
How's it going?
Mr. Diamond doesn't want
vertical blinds, Nick.
Mr. Diamond hasn't seen
my vertical blinds.
And because you and I are
old friends from high school...
I thought that
I'd give your boss...
first peek at the new line...
before I brought them
across town to the Hyatt.
There's no way, Nick.
There is a way, Donnie.