Stanley & Iris

That's Sine-aid.
Never mind.
Hey, Cox, somebody's ass
is going in the meat grinder.

And don't tell me you're
going to call your union...

because I'm going
to call the cops.

$2,000 worth of purchase orders
for this kitchen never got here.

What, do you think I'm upstairs
chewing on a dead cigar?

I got a bookkeeper, and
maybe she's got bad breath...

but she's got good eyes.
What happened to my mayonnaise?
What happened
to my 150 pounds of coffee?

What happened to my tuna fish?
Come on,
who's getting fat off of me?

It isn't Stanley Cox.
Who are you? What do you know?
You know something
I don't know?

He can't read, and he can't
write, so it isn't him.
