You know something
I don't know?
He can't read, and he can't
write, so it isn't him.
Do you mind if I sit down?
I don't feel much like company.
- I gave you away, didn't I?
- Yes, ma'am, you did.
You were headed for trouble.
Lady, I'm always in trouble.
- It's nothing to be ashamed of.
- Is that right?
You don't rob banks.
I can't open an account in one.
What do you do with your money?
Keep it under my mattress
like a skid row bum.
I never thought
what it would be like.
You're in a city.
You can't read the street signs.
You're lost. You grab people.
You stop them.
You ask three people.
You ask four people.
"Which way? Where do I go?
How do I get there?"
You can't take a bus.
You can't read where it's going.
You can't drive a car
because you can't get a license.