Stanley & Iris

When my dad let me, I'd leave
the light on all night.

My dad was the light.
We have to leave it on
about another fifteen minutes.

I don't know
what I'm doing this for.

So you'll look pretty.
Nothing in a bottle's
going to do that.

You know, you're not
so bad looking...

if you'd use
a little more eye make-up.

This is as far as I go.
I wish this baby
was born already.

- It will be.
- I don't want it.

I didn't want you, either.
You were an accident.
Your daddy and me
were cleaning the car.

Remember the old blue Pontiac?
And he squirted me,
and I took my shirt off, and...

we got playful.
We didn't even
make it up the stairs.

But when
they brought you in to me...

I almost said,
"Take it away. It's not mine."

That's how I felt about you.
You'd nuzzle me,
and I'd stare at you.

How was I going to take you
home and take care of you?

I didn't feel anything for you.
And then one day,
I was changing your diapers...

and I found blood
on the cloth...

and I knew in my heart that
you had a terrible disease...

that I was being punished.
And I showed it to the nurse,
and she said, "Oh, it's nothing.

"It's just all your hormones
getting across to her."

And I said, "You mean
it's nothing to worry about?"

And she said,
"No. It's nothing."
