Your daddy and me
were cleaning the car.
Remember the old blue Pontiac?
And he squirted me,
and I took my shirt off, and...
we got playful.
We didn't even
make it up the stairs.
But when
they brought you in to me...
I almost said,
"Take it away. It's not mine."
That's how I felt about you.
You'd nuzzle me,
and I'd stare at you.
How was I going to take you
home and take care of you?
I didn't feel anything for you.
And then one day,
I was changing your diapers...
and I found blood
on the cloth...
and I knew in my heart that
you had a terrible disease...
that I was being punished.
And I showed it to the nurse,
and she said, "Oh, it's nothing.
"It's just all your hormones
getting across to her."
And I said, "You mean
it's nothing to worry about?"
And she said,
"No. It's nothing."
And I held you in my arms...
and at that very minute,
you belonged to me.
My daughter.
Am I your daughter?
- "Don says..."
- Dan.
Dan. Dan.
"Dan says,
'Thank you for the..."'
- Dish.
- Dish.
Uh-huh. Go on.
- "Ed."
- "Ed."
"Ed says,
'Thank you for the fff..."'
- Fish.
- Fish.
Fish. Put it together.
"Ed says,
'Thank you for the fish."'