and still pressure the Vatican deal?
organizatã în scop caritabil.
Only Lucchesi can reach
between these two worlds.
Singura avuþie pe lumea asta sunt copiii.
"Our ships must all sail
in the same direction"...
Mai mult decât toþi banii ºi puterea pe Pãmânt.
Voi sunteþi comoara mea.
Italian politics have had these men
for centuries. They are the true Mafia.
Anthony ºi Mary,
am încredinþat educaþia voastrã mamei voastre spre binele vostru,
The Archbishop and the Vatican Bank,
that's the big problem.
They're the same problem.
B.J., they're connected.
Abia aºtept sã vã vãd, ºi aºtept o nouã perioadã de armonie în vieþile noastre.
The Archbishop has powerful friends.
Poate cã ar trebui sã o convingeþi pe mama voastrã sã vinã la sãrbãtorirea asta,
They totally protect him.
Is there someone in the
Church we can turn to?
ºi astfel, din când în când, ne vom putea vedea cu toþii.
Someone we can tell
our problem to?
Oricum, eu rãmân tatãl vostru iubitor.
Cardinal Lamberto.
A wise and good man...
very influential.
He will see you.
I will see this Cardinal Lamberto
and see if we can work things out.
You honour your agreements,
but you are dealing with crooks.
They have no honour.
Pace þie, Mary, plinã de graþie...
My word is final.
..binecuvântatã sã fii între femei...
...ºi binecuvântat fie rodul pântecului tãu, Iisus.
Politics and crime,
they're the same thing.
Sfântã Fecioarã, mamã a Domnului, roagã-te pentru noi, pãcãtoºii...