I will see this Cardinal Lamberto
and see if we can work things out.
You honour your agreements,
but you are dealing with crooks.
They have no honour.
Pace þie, Mary, plinã de graþie...
My word is final.
..binecuvântatã sã fii între femei...
...ºi binecuvântat fie rodul pântecului tãu, Iisus.
Politics and crime,
they're the same thing.
Sfântã Fecioarã, mamã a Domnului, roagã-te pentru noi, pãcãtoºii...
I've invited you all here to celebrate
my son's debut in an opera house...
Dumnezeu Atotputernic sã binecuvânteze simbolul Sfântului Sebastian, Martirul,
We'll play "Philadelphia".
care poate contribui la sfinþirea celor cãrora le este dat.
Seven cards. Two down, four up.
Deuces and one-eyed jacks are wild.
...in the opera "Cavallaria Rusticana".
- It's "Cavalleria Rusticana", Dad.
- "Cavalleria".
I think I have tickets to the wrong opera.
I've been in New York too long.
You will all receive tickets,
so come on time.
Tu, Michael, promiþi sã fii credincios nobilelor scopuri ale acestui Ordin,
Dad, I've got a present for you.
sã ai grijã de sãraci, de cei aflaþi în nevoie ºi de cei bolnavi?
It comes from the town of Corleone
and it's authentic Sicilian.
Aºa promit.
And... I learned it for you.
Fie ca Atotputernicul Dumnezeu,