It sounds like a Typhoon.
- Did I miss something on the boards?
- Sub plant hasn't said anything.
- How many Typhoons are listed?
- Six
Call this guy Typhoon 7.
Work in a little closer.
- Won't he hear us?
- Not if we stay in his baffles.
Come in behind his propeller
and he's deaf as a post.
- Any sonar contacts?
- No, the sonar is clear.
- Do we have any surface contacts?
- No, the scope is clear.
Good. Then it's time I explain
our orders to the crew.
Comrades, this is your captain.
It is an honour to speak to you-
- while sailing in our motherland's
most recent achievement
Once more,
we play our dangerous game.
A game of chess, against our old
adversary, the American Navy.
For 40 years your fathers before you,
you played this game well