- Any sonar contacts?
- No, the sonar is clear.
- Do we have any surface contacts?
- No, the scope is clear.
Good. Then it's time I explain
our orders to the crew.
Comrades, this is your captain.
It is an honour to speak to you-
- while sailing in our motherland's
most recent achievement
Once more,
we play our dangerous game.
A game of chess, against our old
adversary, the American Navy.
For 40 years your fathers before you,
you played this game well
But today the game is different
We have the advantage
It reminds me of the heady days
of Sputnik and Yuri Gagarin.
The world trembled
at the sound of our rockets.
It will tremble again
at the sound of our silence.
The order is: Engage the silent drive.
Ballast control, open outer doors.
Engage caterpillar
and secure main engines.
Doors opening.
Our own fleet doesn't know
our full potential.
They will test us
But they will embarrass themselves
We'll leave our fleet behind
We will pass through
the American patrols.
We'll lay off their largest city
and listen to their rock and roll. -
- while we conduct missile drills.