
- Jesus! I don't believe this!
- You're hung up.

I am not!
You're hung up, I tell you!
You're going to burn the clutch!
- You could break an axle like that.
- Could you shut up?

I don't need to spend the night out here.
- Could it have been coyotes?
- No way.

Coyotes didn't kill Fred.
It's Val and Earl.
They shouldn't be here already.
- Thought you two were in Bixby by now.
- You're won't believe this.

- Mom!
- Oh, my God!

- Burt, be careful.
- Unreal.

- Where'd you get it?
- I didn't know we had it.

- It's disgusting.
- Some kind of snake?

- It's more like an eel to me.
- Eels live in the water, don't they?

- Big mother slug, maybe.
- Don't touch!

Relax. It's dead.
It must've grabbed us!
- That's why the truck stalled.
- I said I wasn't hung up.

This stalled out your truck?
It'd have to be one strong son of a bitch.
