It's Val and Earl.
They shouldn't be here already.
- Thought you two were in Bixby by now.
- You're won't believe this.
- Mom!
- Oh, my God!
- Burt, be careful.
- Unreal.
- Where'd you get it?
- I didn't know we had it.
- It's disgusting.
- Some kind of snake?
- It's more like an eel to me.
- Eels live in the water, don't they?
- Big mother slug, maybe.
- Don't touch!
Relax. It's dead.
It must've grabbed us!
- That's why the truck stalled.
- I said I wasn't hung up.
This stalled out your truck?
It'd have to be one strong son of a bitch.
Stinks, too.
I'll give you boys $5 for this.
- Okay, $10!
- $15.
- Okay, $15.
- Damn right, $15.
I don't believe you guys.
Could be a snake!
Some kind of mutation.
Whatever it is...
...just one of these couldn't eat up Fred
and his whole flock of sheep.
You think there are more out there?
I'm dead.
Let's put this stuff up in the morning.
We have to go to Bixby in the morning.