I don't like it.
It's better than
that trash you sell in Gulps.
Not everything is trash.
- It's trash, everything is trash!
- We sell Millet,
Corot. We sell many...
of the artists that
you'd admire, besides...
- Oh, Millet!
That's real art.
Millet is art,
Millet is authentic life.
But here there's life too!
And here is God!
God is everywhere...
but in the church
and in our damned family.
The money that dad
has been sending you...
wasn't his, Vincent.
It was mine.
Last time,
22 millions 500.000 pounds.
22 millions 500.000 pounds.
Yes, I think it'll be sold.
- Yes, I think so.
Especially with that frame.
Sir, they want to see
Mr. Theo Van Gogh.