Vincent & Theo

The money that dad
has been sending you...

wasn't his, Vincent.
It was mine.
Last time,
22 millions 500.000 pounds.

22 millions 500.000 pounds.
Yes, I think it'll be sold.
- Yes, I think so.

Especially with that frame.
Sir, they want to see
Mr. Theo Van Gogh.

He's over there.
- I'll take care of that.

Hello, I'm René Valadon.
- Andries Bonger.

It's bellow the Gerard.
In the top right-hand corner...
go up, and have a look.
Theo where are you?
- Uncle Cent, I'm here.

Be careful.
Well, Boussod y Valadon
know what they are doing.

They have no idea.
- Things are changing...

and they have no idea
about what's happening here.

If you was here, we could...
- No, no... it's very kind of you
to say that but.

It's not possible.
Cornelia wouldn't allow it...

and the doctors...
- Well, they are so...

- Of course, art is a business...

Good afternoon.
I expect not to interrupt.
No, Andries.
Andries Bonger, Jan Bonger's...

...nephew, my uncle Cent.
