He's over there.
- I'll take care of that.
Hello, I'm René Valadon.
- Andries Bonger.
It's bellow the Gerard.
In the top right-hand corner...
go up, and have a look.
Theo where are you?
- Uncle Cent, I'm here.
Be careful.
Well, Boussod y Valadon
know what they are doing.
They have no idea.
- Things are changing...
and they have no idea
about what's happening here.
If you was here, we could...
- No, no... it's very kind of you
to say that but.
It's not possible.
Cornelia wouldn't allow it...
and the doctors...
- Well, they are so...
- Of course, art is a business...
Good afternoon.
I expect not to interrupt.
No, Andries.
Andries Bonger, Jan Bonger's...
...nephew, my uncle Cent.
Bonger, I used to make
my insurance with him.
Now you can made it
with me, I'm in the firm.
And what brings you to Paris?
- I'm learning the...
trade in the office in Paris.
And you are a friend of Theo,
where are you staying?
He's in my apartment.
Ah! Two Dutch young men
lost in Paris.
It's nothing like that, sir.
We are very serious young men.
He studies the art
of business and me...
the business of art.
I've heard that Vincent
used to work here.
He used to walk around here...
laughing at the paintings
and offending the clients.
What he didn't understand is
that it doesn't matter if the art...
is good as long as it sells.
- You're right, sir.
And I'm not sure either
that Theo understand it.
- Well...
How is Vincent's art?
He's working really hard.
He paints the peasants.
He dresses, pay and paint them.