White Hunter Black Heart

Color's worth a million dollars
at the box office.

Well, that's not important.
What l'm trying to find out from Basil is
how much color complicates our operation.

Well, l'm afraid it does, John.
The camera is much heavier.
There are many more lighting problems.

l'm telling you, color is essential
to the success of this venture.

l'm not concerned with the success
of the venture at this moment.

l just don't want to get bogged down.
-Bogged down?
-Bogged down?

Yes, l know how easy it is to get bogged
down with a company on location.

-Have you ever been bogged down, John?

-Then why bring it up?
-l think it's a very valid point.

Well, l don't.
Well, of course you don't, Paul.
Because while we're in Africa,
sweating and killing ourselves...

...you'll be in Paris sending out memos.
That's not true.
l'll be there in Africa with you.

Like hell you will.
lf the picture was shot in a river in England,
and the second unit sent out to Africa...

...then the risk of using color
would be greatly minimized.

-That would be with some other director.
-We have already discussed that.

Oh, we have, have we?
John, could l talk to you
in the bedroom for a moment?

-What's this bullshit about another director?
-You know l wouldn't do that to you.

You'd sell your mother
down the river to make a deal.

What the hell is the matter with you, John?
Do you want to kill this project?

No. No, l don't.
Then why bring up the possibility of bogging
down? You scared the bejesus out of them!

Then telling them that you'd quit if the
picture wasn't made in Africa. Good God!

lf one frame of this picture
is shot in England, l will quit.

But it won't be.
But you discussed it behind my back,
you son of a bitch.

l didn't mention it because there isn't
a chance it could be done that way.

You'll guarantee that, l suppose?
Yes, goddamn it. l guarantee it!
