Wouldn't it be fabulous
if we someway stayed in love forever?
You think of the weirdest damn things
to say sometimes, Peanut.
Ain't we been
doing a pretty fair job thus far?
Oh, you know exactly
what I mean, sugar.
It'd make the future so simple and nice.
I've done a few things
in my life
which I ain't too proud of.
But from now on I ain't
gonna do nothin' for no good reason.
All I know for sure is
there's more than a few bad ideas
runnin' loose out there.
There's something
I ain't never told you about.
This here's a story with a lesson
about bad ideas.
What's that?
Well, my cousin Oell was
always fighting bad ideas.
See, Oell loved Christmas.
We used to call him
"Jingle Oell".
He wanted
Christmas to last all year long.
He sure would scream
when his mom told him it was summer,
and Christmas was
six months off.
Also, he said...
he felt there's men