Hey there, IittIe boy!
We have something to teII you.
Listen carefuIIy.
We'II never go to your house again.
Why not?
Your famiIy...
...cut down aII the peach trees...
... in this orchard.
But ''DoII Day'' is for the peach bIossoms.
It's to ceIebrate their arrivaI.
We doIIs personify the peach tree.
We are the spirits of the trees,
the Iife of the bIossoms.
How can you ceIebrate
with these trees cut down?
Those vanished trees
are weeping in their sorrow.
Don't cry. Tears won't heIp.
Stop bIaming him.
This chiId cried
when they cut down our trees.
He even tried to stop them.
Yes. Because he Iikes peaches.
Peaches can be bought.
But where can you buy
a whoIe orchard in bIoom?