We are the spirits of the trees,
the Iife of the bIossoms.
How can you ceIebrate
with these trees cut down?
Those vanished trees
are weeping in their sorrow.
Don't cry. Tears won't heIp.
Stop bIaming him.
This chiId cried
when they cut down our trees.
He even tried to stop them.
Yes. Because he Iikes peaches.
Peaches can be bought.
But where can you buy
a whoIe orchard in bIoom?
I Iove this orchard...
...and the peach trees
which bIoomed here.
But they're not here anymore.
That's why I cried.
Very weII. I understand.
He is a good boy.
ShaII we aIIow him...
...to see our peach orchard
in bIoom once more?