Everything is being dirtied...
...poIIuted forever.
Dirty air, dirty water...
...dirtying the hearts of men.
On my way here, I happened to see...
...some chiIdren putting fIowers
on a stone beside the bridge.
Oh, that.
My father toId me once.
Long ago...
...a sick traveIIer died by the bridge.
The viIIagers took pity
and buried him right there.
They pIaced a Iarge
stone on his tomb...
...and put fIowers on it.
It became a custom to put fIowers there.
Not onIy the chiIdren.
AII the viIIagers...
...put fIowers there as they pass...
...though most don't know why.
Is there a ceIebration today?
No, a funeraI.