Hey, Brian!
Brian McCaffrey, got some l.D.?
Hey, Willie!
l'll give you l.D.!
- The littlest McCaffrey!
- How you doin'?
Hot off the presses, boys!
Station assignments!
Hey, McCaffrey!
Station assignments!
Why don't you hold onto
that for me, huh?
Something wrong
with my eyesight?
You really trying
this fireman thing again?
- Quitting once wasn't good enough?
- lt's in the blood.
- ls that right?
- Willie, you owe me a brew!
Hold on!
l'm talking to the fire chief!
Let's look and see
what else was in your blood.
l always looked forward
to getting these.
- You hold onto those, huh?
- Whoa! l got station 17!
''Aspen Snowmobile Tours.
Brian McCaffrey, Sales.''
lt didn't offer the growth
and challenge that l needed.
''Cattle Drive Mobile Log Cabins.''
- That was in your blood six months?
- The coffee sucked.
''Brian's Sound Spectrum,
Direct Hi-end Stereo Sales.''
This is your own company.
This was a big step, huh?
l was ahead of my time, Willie.
What's the matter with you?
Aren't you even curious?
Engine 115, right?
How'd you know, you prick?
These are supposed to be sealed.
Lucky guess.