lf the offer's still on the table,
l'd like to talk about it.
Well, great!
That's great,
really great news.
The alderman'll be thrilled
that you're working with us.
Marty's a good man, Brian.
[ Rimgale ]
So stop me if l got this wrong.
The fire's almost out, you're upstairs
on the unburned floor...
- checkin' for heat. Correct?
- Yes, sir.
- Messages for you.
- Thank you.
You've been told by your
battalion chief, your captain...
and by me not to
do nothin', right?
- Do nothin' until ordered, correct?
- Yes, sir.
Now the itch starts.
The glory boy flash starts.
''l'm a hero.
Heroes don't stand around.''
- You can tell me. That's what it was?
- Yes, sir.
So you punched out
a window for ventilation.
Was that before or after you noticed
you were standing in a lake of gasoline?
Was that before
or after you noticed...
you were standing in a lake
of gasoline, you idiot?
Before, sir.
You could have burned, killed,
or crispered half that company.
You wrecked the physical evidence that
l use to prove that it's arson.
You know how goddamn hard
it is to determine the cause.
Now go home and you
think about that.
- l'll have to call him back.
- Excuse me.
- Yeah?
- Brian McCaffrey, your new assistant.
Oh, Dennis' kid. Why don't you
go find a corner to hide in?
l'll get to you later.
l don't wanna deal with you now.