What do you say you and me
take a walk over to the tavern...
- and take a look at my trophies?
- Maybe some other time.
- What's wrong with her?
- She's crazy.
- He's gorgeous!
Please, Gaston, I can't.
I have to get home to help my father.
That crazy old loon!
He needs all the help he can get.
Don't talk about
my father that way!
Yeah! Don't talk about
her father that way!
My father is not crazy.
He's a genius!
- Papa?
- How on earth did that happen?
- Doggone it!
- Are you all right, Papa?
I-I'm a... I'm about ready
to give up on this hunk of junk.
- You always say that.
- I mean it this time!
I'll never get this
boneheaded contraption to work!
Yes, you will, and you'll win
first prize at the fair tomorrow.
- Hmph!
- And become a world-famous inventor.
- You really believe that?
- I always have.
Well, what are we waitin' for?
I'll have this thing fixed in no time.
Hand me that... the... the...
the dog-legged clincher there.
So, did you have a good time
in town today?
I got a new book.
Papa, do you think I'm odd?
My daughter? Odd?
Where would you get
an idea like that?
Oh, I don't know. It's just that
I'm not sure I fit in here.
There's no one I can really talk to.
What about that Gaston?
H-He's a handsome fella.
He's handsome, all right,
and rude and conceited and...
- Oh, Papa, he's not for me.
- Well, don't you worry...
'cause this invention's gonna be
the start of a new life for us.
I think that's done it.
Now, let's give it a try.