Wha... Oh!
Poor fellow must have
lost his way in the woods.
Keep quiet.
Maybe he'll go away.
Is someone there?
Not a word, Lumiere.
Not one word!
I-I don't mean to intrude,
but I've lost my horse...
and... and I need a place
to stay for the night.
Oh, Cogsworth, have a heart.
O-O-Ow! Ow! Ow!
Of course, monsieur,
you are welcome here.
Who said that?
Over here.
- Where?
- Hello.
Well, now you've done it, Lumiere.
Splendid! Just peachy!
- How is this accomplished?
- Put me down at once!
Stop that! Hee-hee-hee.
Stop that, I say!
Sir, close that at once!
- Do you mind?
- I-I beg your pardon?
It's... It's just that I've
never seen a clock that...
Oh, you are soaked
to the bone, monsieur.
Warm yourself by the fire.
- Thank you.
- No, no, no!
You know what the master will do
if he finds him here.
I demand that you stop
right there!
Oh, no, no!
Not the master's chair!
Oh, no, no!
Not the master's chair!
I'm not seeing this!
I'm not seeing this!
Well, hello there, boy.
- Oh, what service!
- All right!