Beauty and the Beast

As you see
I've got biceps to spare

- Not a bit of him scraggly or scrawny
- That's right!

And every last inch of me's
covered with hair

- No one hits like Gaston
- Matches wits like Gaston

In a spitting match
nobody spits like Gaston

I'm especially good at expectorating
- Ptooey!
- Ten points for Gaston

When I was a lad
I ate four dozen eggs

Every morning
to help me get large

And now that I'm grown
I eat five dozen eggs

So I'm roughly the size
of a barge

No one
Shoots like Gaston
Makes those beauts like Gaston

Shoots like Gaston
Makes those beauts like Gaston

Then goes tromping around
wearing boots like Gaston

I use antlers in all
of my decorating

My, what a guy
- Help! Someone help me!
- Maurice?

Please! Please, I need your help.
He's got her... He's got her
locked in the dungeon!

- Who?
- Belle. We must go.

Not... Not a minute to lose.
Whoa! Slow down, Maurice.
Who's got Belle
locked in a dungeon?

A beast!
A horrible, monstrous beast!

- Is it a big beast?
- Huge!

- With a long, ugly snout?
- Hideously ugly!

- And sharp, cruel fangs?
- Yes, yes! Will you help me?

All right, old man.
We'll help you out.

You will? Oh, thank you,
thank you, thank you!

You will? Oh, thank you,
thank you, thank you!

Crazy old Maurice.
He's always good
for a laugh.

Crazy old Maurice, hmm?
Crazy old Maurice. Hmm.
Lefou, I'm afraid
I've been thinking
