Defending Your Life

- Tell me which days.
- I'm not allowed.

Is that a normal number? High? Low?
Is that a good number?

You're very concerned about normal.
Kind of cute.

I'd prefer seven, but nine's fine.
Some have twelve.

- Hungry?
- Starving. I didn't have time to eat.

Well, Mr. All-You-Can-Eat, let's stuff.
Come on.

We have about 400,000 residents here.
We service half of the US's dead.
About 2,500 people a day.

Do children come here?
Children don't have to defend themselves.
When a child is taken,
they automatically move forward.

Isn't that nice?
Any teenagers?
Too much trouble. They go elsewhere.
We tried, but they damaged the tupas.

Too rowdy.
How is your chicken?
- What are you eating?
- You wouldn't like this.

What does it taste like?
You're curious, aren't you? I like that.
- Want to try?
- Yeah. Looks so weird.

- Oh, my God!
- Like horseshit, huh?

As you get smarter,
you manipulate your senses.

This tastes different to me than to you.
This is what smart people eat?
So talk to me. Tell me about your life.
You feel you had any problems?
Sure. I had some problems.
Everybody has problems, don't they?
Everybody on Earth.
Did you give a lot to charity?
A lot?
A lot of money. Did you donate things?
This isn't a good or a bad thing.
I'm merely curious.

I'm sure I could have given more.
