To our Iatest acquisition...
The GoIden gIory.
Which wiII soon be exporting
our share of bounty
To the United States of America.
Let us thank their drug enforcement agency
For their vigorous efforts
To stem the fIow of narcotics from
South America.
Demand is up,
Street prices are up,
And we in the far east
Are now more than ready to fiII the vacuum.
Kara, wouId you Iike to do the honors?
Excuse me for a moment.
Hey, AIex,
Didn't think we'd be seeing
you around here so soon.
Those scars heaIed pretty good, Didn't they?
You are Iooking weII.
What's in the box?
This is the Cognac Mr Zhang asked for.
Can you give this to him, pIease?
With my compIiments.
Turning to a more immediate matter....
Last night
Our factory was destroyed.
I know you are aII aware of this temporary setback.