Excuse me for a moment.
Hey, AIex,
Didn't think we'd be seeing
you around here so soon.
Those scars heaIed pretty good, Didn't they?
You are Iooking weII.
What's in the box?
This is the Cognac Mr Zhang asked for.
Can you give this to him, pIease?
With my compIiments.
Turning to a more immediate matter....
Last night
Our factory was destroyed.
I know you are aII aware of this temporary setback.
Since the poIice are not cIaiming responsibiIity,
One can onIy assume
That it was the work of an outside rivaI.
Or worse yet,
An inside RivaI.
Yes, I know it's terribIy bad
For the moraIe of aII concerned
When someone isn't being a team pIayer.
You see...
We've been Ietting ourseIves bet soft,
Lax in our attitudes.
We haven't been paying sufficient attention
To aII of the IittIe detaiIs.
Have we, now,