Uh, straight back and to the right.
Thank you.
Will you please! You too! Here.
Hi. What's happening?
Take a seat.
Fill this out, please.
Does anybody have a pen?
Thank you for coming.
We'll be in touch with the agency.
Ms. O'Neil.
I know you're nervous. Yes.
- Please, have a seat.
- Everything's in place, so relax.
Yes, bags are packed.
Plane is waiting. Hotel is waiting.
All ofJapan is waiting.
She's not on the agency list, David.
Yes. Yes.
- I have my personal briefs in the suitcase with my socks.
- You're not on the agency list.
Oh, no.
I'm answering the ad.
The very moment, Marvin,
the second. Yes, I promise.
Right. Listen, Marvin.
I have to... I have to go.
- Take a pill, Marvin, please.
I'll see you in Japan.
Excuse me.