I was the vice president.
Alert the media.
No, that's...
- What did you do?
- We went to the hospital after school.
- Mercy?
- Uh, Our Lady.
- Oakland.
- It's where I'm from.
I interrupted.
- Oh, right. I dropped out.
- You worked there?
Right. Well, the sisters...
You didn't go to Catholic school?
The sisters at the hospital talked
to the sisters at the school...
and if we did something like, um...
wear a skirt too short
or committed some mortal sin...
such as French kissing...
Then we got the terrific
duties at the hospital.
- Bed pans.
- Bed pans.
Changing sheets.
Uh, cleaning all kinds of things.
But sometimes they let us
change the babies...
and then point them out
to their parents through the glass...
hold them up.
That's about it.
I have leukemia.
I've had it for, uh, 10 years.
I'm 28. Uh... I said that.
So, since high school.
U- Uh, not the whole time.
I've had remissions.
I've led a pretty normal life.
Been to Europe.
Finished college. Ran the dash.
The hundred.
You're not the first woman
in my house.
I, uh...
Do you know anything
about chemotherapy?
Well, I know it's a treatment for...
They give me a course of it
every time I fail their blood test.