hold them up.
That's about it.
I have leukemia.
I've had it for, uh, 10 years.
I'm 28. Uh... I said that.
So, since high school.
U- Uh, not the whole time.
I've had remissions.
I've led a pretty normal life.
Been to Europe.
Finished college. Ran the dash.
The hundred.
You're not the first woman
in my house.
I, uh...
Do you know anything
about chemotherapy?
Well, I know it's a treatment for...
They give me a course of it
every time I fail their blood test.
It, uh...
it's pretty...
Well, I need help during it.
Want the job?
You make it sound so attractive.
Your father said...
Forget my father.
- Well, he said you needed a nurse.
- Forget what he said.
- Well, if he's the one hiring...
- He's not hiring.
He is flying toJapan
in a luxurious airplane. I am hiring.
Uh, if you choose
to take this job...
you will be working for me,
not for my father.
So why would you pick me?
I got it.
I had the shortest skirt, huh?