Possibly they are trying to
ship the gold away.
You mean they coorperating
to find the gold?
I don't know. Maybe only a
few of them.
You, give the key to me.
Or they do it all
How are you?
Or some are getting help
from relatives?
You mean me and my
I didn't say that.
Know this; only I know how
to use the key.
I know you despised me at
first sight.
What a pity for you to
think that way
My grandfather set the code
to my mother's birthday.
Only I know her birthday
Don't quarrel with so many
Only I know the unlocking
Food not tasty enough? Why
aren't you eating?
Is it complicated?
Could be. Wait until we see
the gold.
Miss, you didn't touch
your food.
I'm not hungry. I'll leave.
Now how do we go from here?
There is a passage.
Go over there.
The check please. Take the
food away.
Really not eating?
Condor, you go first.
No, we're not.
Since you're not eating,
I'll take it to them.
We came together. No need
to be like that
You came with her, I didn't.
I'll return to the room.
Open the door. What's the
There are 3 keys, a
different code each time.
What's that?
Come in.
My mother was born on Sept
Good night then.
Got it.
I've waited 40 years for
this day.
Anything missing?
I don't know.
My magnetic tape is
Somebody seached my room.
Look, all in shambles.
You cheated me. You tried
to kill me?
Luckily the key was with me.
I didn't cheat you.
Why didn't you keep these
I told you all that I know.
My mother was born on Sept
Anything you people forgot?
Don't talk anymore, you
three go and open the door
Did you get Mama's birthday
No mistake. It's Sept 16.
Who did it?
Good question. You came up
Lunar calender or Gregorian
Foreigners don't use lunar
Didn't you see him?
Grandpa did write:
You mean I did it?
"Use Eliza's birthday."
Isn't it good enough?
I didn't say that. You said
So he wasn't sure himself.
Could he have used your
My luggages were searched
Let's try my birthday.
A thief may cry "Thief"
What's that?
Grandfather's necklace.
Fine, you search my luggages
Could it be this number?
How about this one?
Surely you haven't found it
Which is the right one?