Grand Canyon

Darkness in the morning
Shadows on the land
Certain individuals
Aren't sticking to the plan
And l'm searching for a heart
Searching everyone
They say love conquers all
You can't start it like a car
You can't stop it with a gun
Excuse me.
- Are you Roberto's mother?
- Yes.

- We're Amanda's parents.
- l'm Steve Fox. This is my wife Cathy.

- Hi. Claire.
- We can't wait to meet Roberto.

We feel like we already know him,
just from Amanda's letters.

l'm sorry. l'm afraid that Roberto
doesn't write as much as he should.

- We're very pleased about Thanksgiving.
- Thanksgiving?

lt is so good of you
to let Roberto come to San Diego.

Gosh. l'm sorry. l guess you may not
have heard everything about this summer.

l'm beginning to get the picture.
- There's my parents.
- Which ones?

See the man in the beard?
Oh, God. They're talking to my mother.
They were relieved l wasn't Puerto Rican.
Amanda didn't explain that in all the many,
many letters that she wrote to her parents?
